RedHat Certified System Administrator in OpenStack

Red Hat OpenStack Administration imparts training on configuration, operations, maintenance and management of Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8. This course encompasses the core services of OpenStack including networking (Neutron), identity (Keystone), image (Glance), compute and controller (Nova), block storage (Cinder), and dashboard (Horizon)

Duration: 40Hrs

Outcome: It shows to your future employers that you’ve quite a grip on deploying public cloud infrastructure. OpenStack comes with practically all of the benefits of cloud computing. That means it:

Audience: Those who are looking for the future in the field for deploying public Cloud Infrastructure.

Prerequisite:  Should have strong knowledge of Linux operating System and private Virtualization.



  1.  Launching an Instance
  2. Managing Projects and Users
  3. Managing Project Quotas
  4. Managing Flavors
  5. Managing Images
  6. Managing Networks
  7. Managing Floating IP Addresses
  8. Managing Block Storage
  9. Managing Security and Access
  10. Managing Instances with Horizon
  11. Installing OpenStack
  12. Managing the Keystone Identity Service
  13. Preparing to Launch Instances with the Command-line Interface
  14. Managing Instances with the Command-line Interface
  15. Managing Block Storage with the Command-line Interface


  1.  Managing the Keystone Identity Service
  2. Managing Flavors
  3. Managing Networks
  4. Managing Floating IP Addresses
  5. Managing Security Groups
  6. Managing Instances
  7. Building a Customized Image
  8. Deploying Red Hat OpenStack Platform
  9. Adding Additional Compute Nodes
  10. Deploying Scalable Stacks